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How Local Water Delivery Works

Minimum Order & Delivery Schedule

Be sure to add name and phone number in delivery address to avoid error code. Checkout as a guest or create a new account.

Minimum Order:
  • 15 gallons (Choose 3 x 5-gallon or 5 x 3-gallon bottles).
Delivery Schedule:
  • Within 10 miles: Next-day delivery.
  • Outside 10 miles: Delivery in 2 days.

Placing Orders & Delivery Fees

Placing Orders:
  • No recurring deliveries—order as needed.
  • Hold on to 1 bottle from your previous order, so you don’t run out of water while waiting for your next delivery.
Delivery Fees:
  • $0.80 per mile for deliveries beyond 10 miles.
  • Outside 15 miles: Minimum 30 gallons required, or we’ll refund and ask you to reorder

Pick-Up/Drop-Off & Building Access

Bottle Pick-Up and Drop-Off:
  • Leave empties outside before 8 AM on delivery day (unless it’s your first order).
  • Pick-Up Fee: For pick-up only (empty bottles) from our store, we charge $0.80 per mile.
  • A $20 cleaning fee applies for excessively dirty bottles (e.g., gum, stickers, cigarette marks, etc.)
Building Access:
  • If your building requires an access code, please provide it; otherwise, your water will be left at the door.

Returning, Holding Bottles or Ending Your Deliveries

Returning or Holding Bottles:
  • If you’ve been buying bottles in-store and are switching to delivery, please hold onto your previously purchased bottles. For deliveries, we provide specially marked bottles.
  • If you bring these marked delivery bottles into the store for refills, we will collect them, and they won’t be returned to you.
Ending Your Deliveries:
  • When you’re ready to stop your deliveries, we’ll pick up the bottles at no
    charge. However, after 6 months of no deliveries, we’ll send an invoice for $10 to cover the bottles.

Collection: Water & Ice

By the Gallon

Water Cards
